چگونه می توان میلیونی فروخت بدون آن که دهان خود را باز کنید!
آیا می خواهید مربیگری و درس های بیشتری از دن داشته باشید تا بتوانید میلیونی بفروشید و میلیون ها درآمد کسب کنید؟
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How can you sell millions without ever opening your mouth? With copywriting. In this video, you'll discover the first part of Dan Lok's simple 7 step formula to selling millions. You'll also discover what it takes to be a good copywriter, and branding and marketing secrets of the world's most luxurious and prestigious brands. Watch it now to discover how to sell millions without ever opening your mouth, and Dan Lok's simple 7-step formula to create compelling and irresistible copy.