چگونه به درستی از افعال عبارتی انگلیسی استفاده کنیم؟
در این ویدئو آلیشا به 5 سؤال شما پاسخ میدهد:
-لطفاً توضیح دهید کی میتوانم یک فعل عبارتی را جدا کنم؟ ( با قرار دادن یک اسم بین فعل و حرف اضافه)
-چگونه از WRAP استفاده کنم؟ مثال: "your life was a wrap" یا "you are a wrap."
-تفاوت بین Infectious و Contagious چیست؟
-من سعی در حفظ افعال عبارتی دارم اما بعضی اوقات نمیفهمم چرا وقتی که همان فعل بدون حرف اضافه همان معنی را دارد باید از حرف اضافه استفاده کرد؟ مثال: تفاوت بین She called him"" و ""She called him up" چیست؟
-آیا اصطلاح Bear with me در زندگی روزمره بسیار استفاده میشود؟ چه موقع میتوانم از آن استفاده کنم؟
In this video, Alisha answers 5 questions.
- Could you explain how to know when I can separate a phrasal verb (by putting a noun between the verb and the preposition)? Thanks
- I would like to know how to use WRAP. For example, when people say "your life was a wrap" or "you are a wrap."
- Hey Alisha, what is the difference between (infectious) and (contagious)?
- I'm trying to memorize some phrasal verbs but sometimes I don't understand the need to use a preposition when the verb without the preposition means the same. For example, what is the difference between ""She called him"" and ""She called him up""?
- You are a great teacher, I've learned a lot with you, thanks .My question is: Is the expression ""bear with me"" used a lot in everyday life? When can I use it?